Contact & Booking Options Below

MetaboLab, Your Biohack

Contact Heather Bartlett, M.D. at MetaboLab, Your Biohack

We can’t wait to meet you.

This is how we can know what you’re interested in, so we guide your next steps. Please see our contact form further below if needed.




4400 N. High St., Suite 416, Columbus, OH, 43214


Please note, most of our consults are completed via Zoom Telemedicine given the amount information and data we review together.

Screen sharing is a necessity for efficiency.

Please test your microphone and camera prior to our consult time.


Ready to Book?

See Our Booking Schedules Here, Save Time

Below are our quick links for fast and simple scheduling for the following:

Introductory Exploratory Complementary 54 Minute WEBINAR Consult

This Webinar option gives you access to a discount for our Intensive Consultation with Dr. Heather Bartlett.

See our “How This Works: page in our menu for details.

You can access at this at any time or day. Free of charge.

Introductory Exploratory 60 Minute Consult

Please don’t forget the Webinar option as well which gives you access to a discount for our Intensive Consultation with Dr. Heather Bartlett. See our How This Works page for details.

If you still wish to have a live, telemedicine review of this with Dr. Bartlett, select this. Price is $200, but the webinar is free. 

Intensive Consultation with Dr. Heather Bartlett (50 Minute, Telemedicine/Zoom) - Next Step

After you’ve had your introductory exploratory consult or watched our WEBINAR version, this would be the next step for most people. 

This is where your history and goals are reviewed with Dr. Bartlett, so your customized plan can be reached for you.

Who would benefit from this?
For those trying to determine what the best options are for their individual needs.

(Please note, either the webinar or the intro exploratory consult is required prior to the Intensive Consult.) 

Physical Your Body Performance Medicine Columbus Ohio MetaboLab Your Biohack

We’re excited. And we hope you are too. Need further assistance?

How can we help your journey?

Please use this form to help us know how we can serve you.

Further below on this page are also direct booking links if that’s helpful.

Contact us.

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Preparation for Testing

Review Here For Testing Needs

Preparation for each type of testing is critical to the success and accuracy of the results. Please read here to see what is required for each type of testing.